EditIngredientAdapter |
Adapter for a recipe ingredient, in the recyclerview for recipe ingredients
EditIngredientsFragment |
The EditRecipeIngredientsFragment class is the fragment that allows the user
to edit the ingredients of a recipe.
Ingredient |
This class represents an Ingredient which can be used in many ways in a
MealPlanning application.
IngredientContract |
A contract for creating intents to view an Ingredient, and results of
IngredientDB |
The IngredientDB class is used to store and retrieve ingredient data from
the database.
IngredientDetailAdapter |
ItemDetailAdapter is the adapter for the item detail recycler view
IngredientEditActivity |
Activity which allows user to edit/add an existing recipe's ingredient
IngredientEditContract |
A contract for creating intents to edit an Ingredient, and results of
these intents.
IngredientSearchActivity |
Activity which allows user to search for an existing ingredient
in the user's ingredient storage, or previously added recipe ingredients
to add to a recipe
IngredientSearchAdapter |
IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder |
Holds the views for the ingredients in the search