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ActivityBase - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed
ActivityBase is the base class for all activities in the application
ActivityBase() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ActivityBase
add(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
add adds an item to the list of items
addIngredient(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Adds an Ingredient to the MealPlan object.
addIngredient(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Adds an Ingredient as part of a Recipe
addIngredient(Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Adds an ingredient in storage to the Firebase DB.
addIngredient(Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Add an ingredient to the shopping cart.
addIngredient(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Adds an StorageIngredient to adapter
addIngredients(List<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
addIngredientToStorage(ShoppingCartIngredient, StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
addIngredientToStorage adds the given ingredient to the storage.
addMealPlan(MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
The addMealPlan method for the MealPlanController.
addMealPlan(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
This method is used to add a MealPlan object to the db.
addMealPlanHelper(HashMap<String, Object>, MealPlan, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Helper function that adds the MealPlan document to db once all transactions are finished.
addMealPlanIncrementCounter(HashMap<String, Object>, MealPlan, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
addMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for addMealPlan that increment counter for each recipe and ingredient in the MealPlan object.
addRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Adds a Recipe to the MealPlan object.
addRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Adds the recipe to db and notifies the adapter
addRecipe(Recipe, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Adds a recipe to the Recipe collection in db and any ingredients not already in Recipe Ingredients.
addRecipeHelper(HashMap<String, Object>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, Recipe, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Helper function that adds the Recipe document to db once all transactions are finished.
addRecipeIncrementCounter(HashMap<String, Object>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, Recipe, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
addRecipeIncrementCounter is a helper method for addRecipe.
addShoppingHelper(Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
addShoppingHelper is a helper method for addIngredient.
addStorageIngredient(StorageIngredient, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Adds an ingredient in storage to the Firebase DB.
afterTextChanged(Editable) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
The afterTextChanged handler is called when somewhere within s, the text has changed, it is checks if the EditText text is valid after changes.
afterTextChanged(Editable) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
The afterTextChanged handler is called when somewhere within s, the text has changed, it is checks if the EditText text is valid after changes.
areValidFields() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Checks whether the fields of the recipe currently being edited are valid or not.
availableUnits(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
Converts ingredients to mass if possible


beforeTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
The beforeTextChanged handler is called when within s, the count characters beginning at start are about to be replaced by new text with length after
beforeTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
The beforeTextChanged handler is called when within s, the count characters beginning at start are about to be replaced by new text with length after
beforeToday(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
Returns true if the date is before today
bind(Ingredient, OnItemClickListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder
Binds an ingredient to a ViewHolder, to properly display the data
bind(StorageIngredient, OnItemClickListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
Bind the storage ingredient to the view holder.
bottomAppBar - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
The bottom navigation bar that contains the tabs for the fragments in the viewpager
build(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
build method builds a unit from a string


cameraLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Launcher for the camera activity, to take a picture of the recipe
category - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
changeQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter
checkBox - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
com.xffffff.wellfed - package com.xffffff.wellfed
com.xffffff.wellfed.common - package com.xffffff.wellfed.common
com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient - package com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan - package com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation - package com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation
com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe - package com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart - package com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
com.xffffff.wellfed.storage - package com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
com.xffffff.wellfed.unit - package com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
ConfirmDeleteDialog - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The ConfirmDeleteDialog class provides a dialog for confirming whether the user intends to delete an item.
ConfirmDeleteDialog(Context, ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener, String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ConfirmDeleteDialog
Constructs a ConfirmDeleteDialog
ConfirmDialog - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The ConfirmDialog class provides a dialog for confirming user intentions.
ConfirmDialog(Context, String, String, String, ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ConfirmDialog
Constructs a ConfirmQuitDialog
ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The OnQuitListener interface defines the onConfirm handler that is called when the user confirms.
ConfirmQuitDialog - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The ConfirmQuitDialog class provides a dialog for confirming whether the user intends to quit the an activity where they have unsaved changes.
ConfirmQuitDialog(Context, ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ConfirmQuitDialog
Constructs a ConfirmQuitDialog
CONVERSION_FACTORS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.CountUnit
The conversion factors for the count units
CONVERSION_FACTORS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.MassUnit
The conversion factors for the mass units
CONVERSION_FACTORS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.VolumeUnit
conversionFactor - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The conversion factor for the unit
convert(double, Unit, Unit) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The convert method converts a quantity from one unit to another unit
convert(double, String, Unit, Unit) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The convert method converts a quantity from one unit to another unit
convertToSmallest(String, Double) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
Convert the given unit to the smallest unit in the unit system
CountUnit - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
CountUnit is a class that contains all the count units that are supported by the app
CountUnit(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.CountUnit
Constructor for the CountUnit class
createFragment(int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation.NavigationCollectionAdapter
createFragment creates a new fragment for the tab at the given position
createIntent(Context, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemContract
createIntent creates the intent for the EditItemActivity
createIntent(Context, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchItemContract
createIntent creates the intent for the EditItemActivity
createIntent(Context, MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanContract
The createIntent method creates the intent to launch the meal plan activity.
createIntent(Context, MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditContract
The createIntent method creates the intent to launch the meal plan
createIntent(Context, Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeContract
Creates an intent that contains recipeRecipe
createIntent(Context, Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditContract
Creates an intent for the recipe edit activity to be launched
createIntent(Context, StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientContract
Creates an Intent for the IngredientEditActivity.
createIntent(Context, StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditContract
Creates an Intent for the IngredientEditActivity.
createOnEditIntent(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientsFragment
createOnEditIntent creates an intent to edit an ingredient.
createOnEditIntent(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesFragment
createOnEditIntent creates an intent to edit a recipe.
createOnEditIntent(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
createOnEditIntent creates an intent for the edit activity
createOnSearchIntent(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientsFragment
createOnAddIntent creates an intent to add an ingredient.
createOnSearchIntent(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesFragment
createOnSearchIntent creates an intent to add a recipe.
createOnSearchIntent(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
createOnSearchIntent creates an intent for the search activity


DateUtil - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The DateUtil class contains utility methods for dates.
DateUtil() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
Constructs a DateUtil object
DBAdapter<VH extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The class DBAdapter is used to display documents from Firestore Citation: Create dynamic lists with RecyclerView.
DBAdapter(Query) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
DBAdapter constructor - sets the query and registers the listener
DBAdapter.OnDataChangedListener - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The listener for data changes
DBConnection - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
Connects to the DB, getting the users unique FirestoreID to identify them.
DBConnection(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBConnection
Connects to the Firebase Firestore database, at the given subcollection.
DeleteButton - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The DeleteButton class attaches an OnClickListener to a Button that opens a deletion confirmation dialog.
DeleteButton(Context, View, String, ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DeleteButton
Constructs a DeleteButton
deleteIngredient(Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Deletes an ingredient from the Firebase DB.
deleteIngredient(ShoppingCartIngredient, OnCompleteListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Delete an ingredient from the shopping cart.
deleteIngredient(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Deletes StorageIngredient from adapter
deleteIngredient(String, OnCompleteListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Delete all ingredients from the shopping cart.
deleteListener - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
deleteListener - the listener for deleting an item
deleteMealPlan(MealPlan, boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
The deleteMealPlan method for the MealPlanController.
deleteRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Requests the database to delete a Recipe and handles the result
deleteStorageIngredient(StorageIngredient, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Removes an ingredient from storage, but keeps the Ingredient reference
delMealPlan(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Deletes the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
delMealPlanDecrementCounter(MealPlan, DocumentReference, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
delMealPlanDecrementCounter is an asynchronous helper function for delMealPlan that decrements the counter of the ingredients and recipes in the MealPlan.
delMealPlanHelper(MealPlan, DocumentReference, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
delMealPlanHelper is a helper function for delMealPlanAsync.
delRecipe(Recipe, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Deletes a recipe document with the id from the collection of recipes
delRecipeDecrementCounter(Recipe, DocumentReference, DocumentSnapshot, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Helper function for decrementing counter of every ingredient in the deleted Recipe object.
delRecipeHelper(Recipe, DocumentReference, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Helper function for deleting the recipe document.
description - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
description - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder


EditActivityBase - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed
EditActivityBase is the base class for all activities that edit data in the application
EditActivityBase() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
EditIngredientAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
Adapter for a recipe ingredient, in the recyclerview for recipe ingredients
EditIngredientAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientAdapter
editIngredientLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
ActivityResultLauncher for the IngredientAddActivity to add an ingredient.
editIngredientLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
ActivityResultLauncher for the IngredientAddActivity to add an ingredient.
EditIngredientsFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
The EditRecipeIngredientsFragment class is the fragment that allows the user to edit the ingredients of a recipe.
EditIngredientsFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientsFragment
EditItemAdapter<Item> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
Adapter that manages the view and data for the ingredients in the Recipe
EditItemAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
Viewholder for the items
EditItemAdapter.OnDeleteListener<Item> - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
onDeleteListener is the interface that handles the delete button
EditItemAdapter.OnEditListener<Item> - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
onEditListener is the interface that handles the edit button
EditItemContract<Item extends java.io.Serializable> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The EditItemContract class is a contract that handles the communication between the EditItemActivity and the EditItemAdapter.
EditItemContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemContract
editLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
ActivityResultLauncher for the meal plan activity to launch an activity to add a meal plan.
editListener - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
editListener - the listener for editing an item
editRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Requests the database to edit a Recipe and handles the result
EditRecipesAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
EditRecipesAdapter is the adapter for the RecyclerView in the EditRecipesActivity.
EditRecipesAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesAdapter
EditRecipesFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
EditRecipesFragment class.
EditRecipesFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesFragment
EditRecyclerViewFragment<Item extends java.io.Serializable> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The EditRecyclerViewFragment class is a fragment that displays a list of items that can be edited.
EditRecyclerViewFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
equals(Date, Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
Returns true if two dates are equal


fab - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
The floating action button that is used to add new ingredients, recipes, and meal plans
format(double, String, Unit, Unit) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The format method formats a quantity to a specified unit
format(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
format(Date, String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
Returns the date as a string in the format specified by the pattern


generateShoppingCart() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
generateShoppingCart generates the shopping cart from the given meal plan and storage ingredients.
getAdapter() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
GetAdapter method for the MealPlanController.
getAdapter() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
Gets the adapter.
getAdapter() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Gets the adapter that is used to display the ingredients in the list view.
getAllStorageIngredients(OnCompleteListener<ArrayList<StorageIngredient>>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
getAllStorageIngredients returns all StorageIngredients in FireStore
getAmount() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Gets the amount of an ingredient
getBestBefore() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Gets the best before date of the ingredient in the storage.
getCardView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getCategory() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Gets the category.
getCategory() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the category of a MealPlan object.
getCategory() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the category (aka tag) of the Recipe
getCategoryTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
getCategoryTextView is the getter for categoryTextView
getChanged() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
getChanged - gets whether the items have changed
getCollection(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBConnection
Gets the collection reference of the user's subcollection.
getComments() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the comments associated with a Recipe
getConversionFactor() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The getter for the conversion factor
getCurrentMealPlan() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
Get today's meal plan
getDate() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Gets the date selected by the user.
getDB() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBConnection
Gets the DB
getDeleteButton() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getDeleteButton - gets the delete button
getDescription() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Gets the description (aka title) of an Ingredient
getDocumentReference(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Get document reference of an ingredient
getDocumentReference(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Get the DocumentReference from Recipes collection for the given id
getDouble() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Returns the double value of the text
getEatDate() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the eat date that a MealPlan is to be eaten on.
getEditButton() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getEditButton - gets the edit button
getFirstDayOfWeek(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
getHeadlineTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getHeadlineTextView - gets the headline text view
getId() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Get the database ID of an ingredient.
getId() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the id of a MealPlan, the id of the document in the db the MealPlan is based off of
getId() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the id of a Recipe, the id of the document in the db the Recipe is based off of
getImageView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getIngredient(int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets an Ingredient in the MealPlan object, given the index.
getIngredient(int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the Ingredient object at the specified index in a Recipe
getIngredient(DocumentReference, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Gets an ingredient from Firebase DB
getIngredient(Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Gets an ingredient from Firebase DB
getIngredient(String, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Gets an ingredient from Firebase DB
getIngredients() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the entire ArrayList of Ingredients in the MealPlan object.
getIngredients() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the entire ArrayList of Ingredients that make up a Recipe
getItemCount() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
getItemCount - gets the number of items
getItemCount() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ItemAdapter
getItemCount() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation.NavigationCollectionAdapter
getItemCount returns the number of tabs in the bottom navigation bar
getItemCount() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
getItemCount method for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
getItems() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ItemAdapter
getLastDayOfWeek(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DateUtil
Returns the date of the last day of the week.
getLeadingTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getLeadingTextView - gets the leading text view
getLocation() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Gets the location of the ingredient in the storage.
getLong() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Returns the long value of the text
getMaterialCardView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
getMaterialCardView is the getter for materialCardView
getMealPlan() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanProxy
Get MealPlan
getMealPlan(DocumentSnapshot, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
getMealPlan(String, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
getMealPlanDocumentReference(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Fet the DocumentReference object for the MealPlan document with the given id.
getMealPlanHelper(MealPlan, ArrayList<Ingredient>, ArrayList<Recipe>, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Helper function for getMealPlan.
getMealPlanProxy(DocumentSnapshot) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Gets the MealPlan proxy object with the given snapshot from the db.
getMealPlans() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
getMealPlans returns the meal plans in the adapter
getMealPlans(OnCompleteListener<ArrayList<MealPlan>>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Get all MealPlan objects from the db.
getPaddingBottom() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanLinearLayoutManager
Returns special padding bottom that allows overscrolling past the last item in the recycler view.
getPhotograph() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the photograph associated with a Recipe.
getPrepTimeMinutes() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the time in minutes that it takes a Recipe to be prepared
getPrimaryTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getQuery() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Gets the CollectionReference that Ingredients are stored in
getQuery() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Gets a query for MealPlans in the db.
getQuery() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Gets a query for Recipes in the db.
getQuery() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Get a query of the shopping cart.
getRecipe(int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets a Recipe in the MealPlan object, given the index.
getRecipe(String, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Gets the Recipe object with the given id from the db.
getRecipeAdapter() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Gets the RecipeAdapter that connects the list of Recipes to the DB
getRecipeDB() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
getRecipes() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the entire ArrayList of Recipes in the MealPlan object.
getSearchQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
getSearchQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Query for the search functionality.
getSearchQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Search the shopping cart by the given query string.
getSearchQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
getSearchedQuery returns a query for StorageIngredients in FireStore
getSearchResults(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
getSearchResults returns the search results for the given query.
getSearchResults(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Get the search results from the DB
getSecondaryTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
getServings() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the number of servings in a MealPlan
getServings() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the number of servings that a Recipe makes
getShoppingCart(OnCompleteListener<ArrayList<ShoppingCartIngredient>>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Get the shopping cart.
getSnapshot(int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
getSnapshot - gets the snapshot at the given position
getSnapshots() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
getSnapshots - gets the snapshots
getSortedQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Sort the shopping cart by the given field.
getSortedQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Gets a sorted query for StorageIngredients in FireStore
getSortedResults(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Gets the DB of ingredients sorted by field
getSortQuery(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Gets query from the db with Recipes sorted by given field.
getSortQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
getStorageId() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Get the database ID of a storage ingredient.
getStorageIngredient(DocumentSnapshot, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Gets an ingredient from the Firebase DB
getStorageIngredient(String, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Gets an ingredient from the Firebase DB
getSystems() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The getter for the unit systems
getText() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Returns the value of the EditTExt
getTitle() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Gets the title of a MealPlan object.
getTitle() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Gets the title of a Recipe
getTitleTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
getTitleTextView is the getter for titleTextView
getUnit() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Gets a String representing the unit of an amount
getUnit() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The getter for the unit string
getUnits() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
Gets all of the units being used, out of count/mass/volume
getUnitsLike(Unit) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
getUnitsLike method gets all the units that are like the specified unit
getUUID(Context) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBConnection
Gets the UUID of the device, to identify the user.
getWeekTextView() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
getWeekTextView is the getter for weekTextView


hasChanged() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
hasChanged returns true if the list of items has changed
hasChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
hasChanged checks if the items have changed
hasChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Check for whether the EditText has changes, i.e.
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
hasUnsavedChanges is called to check if the activity has unsaved changes
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditActivity
Checks if there are unsaved changes while editing the ingredient.
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditActivity
hasUnsavedChanges returns true if there are unsaved changes.
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Checks whether there are unsaved changes in the edit activity
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientEditActivity
Checks if there are any unsaved changes
headline - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter.ViewHolder
history - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
Stack history of the fragments


Ingredient - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
This class represents an Ingredient which can be used in many ways in a MealPlanning application.
Ingredient() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Creates a new Ingredient object that represents an Ingredient used for various meal purposes.
Ingredient(Ingredient) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Copy constructor for an Ingredient object.
Ingredient(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Creates a new Ingredient object that represents an Ingredient used for various meal purposes.
IngredientContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
A contract for creating intents to view an Ingredient, and results of intents.
IngredientContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientContract
IngredientDB - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
The IngredientDB class is used to store and retrieve ingredient data from the database.
IngredientDB(DBConnection) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Constructs an IngredientDB object
ingredientDensityMap - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The ingredient density map is a map of ingredient names to their densities in g/mL
IngredientDetailAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
ItemDetailAdapter is the adapter for the item detail recycler view
IngredientDetailAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter
IngredientDetailAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
ViewHolder is the view holder for the item detail recycler view
IngredientEditActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
Activity which allows user to edit/add an existing recipe's ingredient
IngredientEditActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditActivity
IngredientEditContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
A contract for creating intents to edit an Ingredient, and results of these intents.
IngredientEditContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditContract
IngredientSearchActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
Activity which allows user to search for an existing ingredient in the user's ingredient storage, or previously added recipe ingredients to add to a recipe
IngredientSearchActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchActivity
IngredientSearchAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
Adapter that connects the RecyclerView and data for the ingredients in the IngredientSearchActivity
IngredientSearchAdapter(IngredientDB) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter
Creates a new RecipeIngredientSearchAdapter
IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient
Holds the views for the ingredients in the search
IngredientStorageController - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The IngredientStorageController class is a controller for the IngredientStorageActivity.
IngredientStorageController(FragmentActivity) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Creates ingredients list that represents an empty food storage.
IngredientStorageFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The IngredientStorageFragment class is a fragment that displays a list of ingredients in the user's storage.
IngredientStorageFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
initTempUri() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Initializes a temporary URI for the image associated with a recipe.
isComplete - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Holds whether the ShoppingCartIngredient has all of its fields completed.
isComplete() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Gets whether a ShoppingCartIngredient has its fields completed.
isEqual(Object) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Checks whether the ingredient is equal to another ingredient.
isEqual(Object) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Checks whether the meal plan is equal to another meal plan.
isEqual(Object) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Checks whether the recipe is equal to another recipe.
isEqual(Object) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Checks whether the ingredient is equal to another ingredient.
isPickedUp - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Holds whether the ShoppingCartIngredient has been picked up.
isPickedUp() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Gets whether the ShoppingCartIngredient has been picked up.
isValid() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Validates that the EditText is valid.
isValid() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Validates that the EditText is valid.
ItemAdapter<Item> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The class ItemAdapter is used to display items in a RecyclerView
ItemAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ItemAdapter
items - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ItemAdapter
list of ItemAdapter
ItemViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder
constructor for creating the view
ItemViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder


launch(MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
launch launches the meal plan activity.
launch(Recipe) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.RecipeLauncher
launch(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
launches activity for a RecipeRecipe in the recipes at pos.
launch(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookSelectFragment
Calls the recipe selected listener
launch(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
Launches the IngredientAddActivity to add an ingredient.
launch(Item) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.Launcher
Launches an activity
launcher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
ActivityResultLauncher for the meal plan activity to launch, edit or delete the meal plan.
launcher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
ActivityResultLauncher for the IngredientEditActivity to edit an ingredient.
Launcher<Item> - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The Launcher class provides a method for launching an activity.
loadImage() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Loads the image taken with camera


MainActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed
MainActivity is the main activity of the app It contains the bottom navigation bar and the floating action button
MainActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
makeSnackbar(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ActivityBase
makeSnackbar makes a snackbar with the given message
makeSnackbar(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
makeSnackbar creates a snackbar with the given message
MassUnit - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
MassUnit is a class that contains all the mass units that are supported by the app
MassUnit(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.MassUnit
Constructor for the MassUnit class
MealBookFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The fragment for the meal book.
MealBookFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
MealPlan - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
This class represents a MealPlan, which contains recipes and ingredients to be eaten on a specific date.
MealPlan(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Creates a new MealPlan object which represents a meal to be eaten on a certain date.
MealPlanActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
MealPlanActivity class.
MealPlanActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
MealPlanAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanAdapter(MealPlanDB) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
The constructor for the MealPlanAdapter
MealPlanContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanContract class is the contract for the MealPlanActivity.
MealPlanContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanContract
MealPlanController - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanController class controls the MealPlanActivity.
MealPlanController(Activity) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
The MealPlanController constructor.
MealPlanController.OnAdapterDataChangedListener - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
onAdapterDataChangedListener is the interface that is called when the data in the adapter changes.
MealPlanController.OnDataChanged - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
onDataChanged is the interface that is called when the data in the controller changes.
MealPlanDB - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
This class is used to access the meal plan database.
MealPlanDB(DBConnection) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Constructor for class MealPlanDB, initializes declared fields.
MealPlanEditActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
MealPlanEditActivity class.
MealPlanEditActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditActivity
MealPlanEditContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanContract class is the contract for the meal plan activity.
MealPlanEditContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditContract
MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter is the adapter for the RecyclerView in the MealPlanIngredientItemActivity.
MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter
MealPlanItemAdapter<Item> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanItemAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanItemAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter
MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
ItemViewHolder class holds the view for the item.
MealPlanLinearLayoutManager - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The linear layout manager for the meal book fragment.
MealPlanLinearLayoutManager(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanLinearLayoutManager
Creates a vertical LinearLayoutManager
MealPlanProxy - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
ProxyMealPlan class.
MealPlanProxy(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanProxy
Creates a new ProxyMealPlan object which represents a meal to be eaten on a certain date.
MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter
MealPlanViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan
The MealPlanViewHolder class contains the layout for each individual item in the RecyclerView.
MealPlanViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
MealPlanViewHolder is the constructor for the MealPlanViewHolder


navigationCollectionAdapter - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
NavigationCollectionAdapter for the bottom navigation bar and the viewpager that contains the fragments
NavigationCollectionAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation
NavigationCollectionAdapter is the adapter for the navigation collection that handles the fragments for each tab in the bottom navigation bar
NavigationCollectionAdapter(FragmentActivity) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.navigation.NavigationCollectionAdapter
Constructor for the NavigationCollectionAdapter


onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
onActivityResult is called when an activity returns a result to this activity
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
onActivityResults method for the activity.
onAdapterDataChanged(MealPlan, int) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController.OnAdapterDataChangedListener
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
onBackPress is called when the back button is pressed
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
onCreate is called when the activity is created and initializes the activity with the history and the viewpager
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
onBackButtonPressed method for the activity.
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
onBindViewHolder - binds the view to the data
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientAdapter
Binds a viewholder to an ingredient
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter
onBindViewHolder binds the view to the data
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter
onBindViewHolders binds the data to the view holder.
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter
onBindViewHolder method binds a MealPlan object and a MealPlanViewHolder object.
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter
onBindViewHolder method binds a Recipe object and a ItemViewHolder object.
onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesAdapter
OnBindViewHolder binds the view holder to the data.
onBindViewHolder(IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter
Bind the data with the views in the RecyclerView
onBindViewHolder(MealPlanViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
The onBindViewHolder method binds a MealPlan object and a MealPlanViewHolder, taking the data in the MealPlan object and mapping it into a human readable format to be presented in the RecyclerView.
onBindViewHolder(RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter
Bind the data with the views in the RecyclerView
onBindViewHolder(ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
onBindViewHolder method for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
onBindViewHolder(StorageIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter
onBindViewHolder is called when the view holder is bound.
onCheckBoxClick(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.OnCheckedListener
onClick(View) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DeleteButton
Shows the DeleteDialog when the button is clicked
onClick(View) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Opens the MaterialDatePicker dialog when the TextInputLayout is clicked.
onClick(String) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment.OnSortClick
onClick(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchActivity
onClick method for the sort button
onClick(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
onClick method for the RecipeAdapter RecipeAdapter
onClick(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
onClick method for the sorting fragment.
onClick(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
onClick method for the IngredientStorageFragment.
onComplete(T, Boolean) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.OnCompleteListener
Called when a DB operation is completed
OnCompleteListener<T> - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
This interface is used to handle the result of DB operation
onConfirm() - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener
Handler for when the user confirms.
onConfirm() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
onConfirm is called when the user confirms the dialog
onConfirm() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
OnConfirm method.
onConfirm() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
method that stops the activity with a result when delete confirmation is complete
onConfirm() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
onConfirm method for the activity.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
onCreated is called when the activity is created
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditActivity
OnCreate method for the activity.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchActivity
The onCreate method for the ingredient search screen.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
onCreate method is called when the activity is created and initializes the activity with the history and the viewpager
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
OnCreate method.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditActivity
OnCreate method.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
method that is called when the activity is created
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
OnCreate method for the recipe edit activity.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeSearchActivity
The onCreate method for the ingredient search screen.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
onCreate method for the activity.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientEditActivity
OnCreate method for the IngredientEdit activity.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
onCreateView inflates the view
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment
onCreateView inflates the view
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
onCreateView is called when the fragment is created.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
method that is called upon creation of view initializes the variables such as recipes RecipeBookFragment.recipes recipeController RecipeBookFragment.recipeController
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
onCreate method for the hoppingCartFragment.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
onCreate method for the IngredientStorageFragment.
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
inflates the view
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter
onCreatedViewHolder inflates the view
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter
Inflate the layout of a single View into the parent ViewGroup
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
The onCreateViewHolder method returns a new MealPlanViewHolder object using the viewholder_MealPlan.xml view.
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter
inflates the view
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter
Inflate the layout of a single View into the parent ViewGroup
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
onCreateViewHolder method for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter
onCreateViewHolder is called when the view holder is created.
onDataChanged() - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter.OnDataChangedListener
onDataChanged() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
If data is changed
onDataChanged(DocumentChange) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
onDataChanged - called when the query is updated
onDataChanged(DocumentChange) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
onDataChanged is called when the data in the adapter changes
onDataChanged(MealPlan) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController.OnDataChanged
onDelete(Item) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.OnDeleteListener
onDelete(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
onDeleted is called when an item is deleted
onEdit(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
onEdit method for the activity.
onEdit(Item) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter.OnEditListener
onEdit(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
onEdit is called when an item is edited
onEditTextAttached(TextInputLayout) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Sets the EditText's OnClickListener to this
onEditTextAttached(TextInputLayout) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Sets autoCompleteTextView to the MaterialAutoCompleteTextView
onEditTextAttached(TextInputLayout) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Binds the EditText and sets its TextChangedListener to this.
onEditTextAttached(TextInputLayout) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
Binds the EditText and sets its TextChangedListener to this.
onEvent(QuerySnapshot, FirebaseFirestoreException) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
onEvent - called when the query is updated
onFocusChange(View, boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Opens the MaterialDatePicker dialog when the TextInputLayout is focused.
onItemClick(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchActivity
Listener for when an item is clicked within the RecyclerView of ingredients
onItemClick(MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
onItemClick is called when the user clicks on a meal plan.
onItemClick(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
OnItemClick method.
onItemClick(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
Launches the IngredientActivity to view an StorageIngredient.
onItemClick(Item) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.OnItemClickListener
Called on item click
OnItemClickListener<Item> - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
OnItemClickListener interface.
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ActivityBase
onOptionsItemSelect is called if a user wants to go back to the previous fragment
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.EditActivityBase
onOptionsItemSelected is called when an item in the options menu is selected by the user
onPause() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
onPause method.
onPickedUpChange(boolean) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB.OnPickedUpChange
onPointerCaptureChanged(boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditActivity
onPointerCaptureChanged is called when the pointer capture changes.
onPositiveButtonClick(Long) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Handler for MaterialDatePicker positive button click.
onResume() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
onResume method for the ShoppingCartFragment.
onSave() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Handles saving a recipe, and returns it via an intent to the previous activity
onSearch(Item) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
onSearch is called when an item is searched
onSearchActivityResult(Pair<String, Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.EditIngredientsFragment
onSearchActivityResult is called when the user returns from the search activity.
onSearchActivityResult(Pair<String, Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.EditRecipesFragment
onSearchActivityResult is called when the user returns from the search
onSearchActivityResult(Pair<String, Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
onSearchActivityResult is an abstract method that is called when the search activity returns
onSelected(Recipe) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookSelectFragment.OnSelectedListener
onTextChange(String) - Method in interface com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput.OnTextChange
onTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
The onTextChanged handler is called when within s, count characters beginning at start have just replaced old text that had length before.
onTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
The onTextChanged handler is called when within s, count characters beginning at start have just replaced old text that had length before.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment
onViewCreated sets up the view
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealBookFragment
onViewCreated is called when the view is created.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
method that is called when the view is created
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
onViewCreated method for the ShoppingCartFragment.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
onViewCreated method for the IngredientStorageFragment.


parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemContract
parseResult parses the result from the EditItemActivity
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchItemContract
parseResult parses the result from the EditItemActivity
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientContract
Pair object for the result of the IngredientEditActivity.
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientEditContract
Pair object for the result of the IngredientEditActivity.
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanContract
The parseResult method parses the result from the meal plan activity.
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanEditContract
The parseResult method parses the result from the meal plan activity.
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeContract
Parse the response from the activity as required
parseResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditContract
Parses the result from the recipe edit activity
prepTime - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder


Recipe - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Represents a Recipe, which contains ingredients and instructions on how to prepare a recipe.
Recipe(Recipe) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Copy constructor for Recipe
Recipe(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Creates a Recipe object representing a recipe to be made.
RecipeActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Activity that displays the view for Recipe, showing all of a Recipe's information
RecipeActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
RecipeAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Adapter for the recipes in the RecipeBookFragment Binds the view for each recipe to the data
RecipeAdapter(RecipeDB) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter
Creates a new RecipeAdapter given the RecipeDB.
RecipeAdapter.RecipeLauncher - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Interface for launching a new recipe activity.
RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Holds the views for the recipes
RecipeBookFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
RecipeBookFragment displays a list of Recipes Recipe
RecipeBookFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
RecipeBookSelectFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
RecipeBookSelectFragment is a version of RecipeBookFragment that allows the user to select a recipe
RecipeBookSelectFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookSelectFragment
RecipeBookSelectFragment.OnSelectedListener - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Interface for recipe selected listener
RecipeContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Contract for launching new activities that return a Recipe
RecipeContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeContract
RecipeController - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Handles the business logic for the Recipes
RecipeController(FragmentActivity) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Constructor that initializes the db connection and the adapter for the recipes
RecipeDB - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
RecipeDB is a class that handles all the database operations for Recipe objects.
RecipeDB(DBConnection) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Create a RecipeDB object
RecipeEditActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Activity which allows user to edit an existing recipe
RecipeEditActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
RecipeEditContract - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Contract for launching a RecipeEditActivity
RecipeEditContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditContract
recipeEditLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
Launcher that launches RecipeEditActivity RecipeEditActivity
recipeEditLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
Launcher that launches RecipeEditActivity RecipeEditActivity
recipeImg - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
recipeLauncher - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
Launcher that launches an RecipeActivity RecipeActivity
recipes - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookFragment
Recipes contains a list of Recipes Recipe
RecipeSearchActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe
Activity which allows user to search for an existing Recipe
RecipeSearchActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeSearchActivity
recipeTitleTextView - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
recyclerView - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
Recycler view for the ingredients.
recyclerView - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageFragment
The recycler view for the ingredients.
removeIngredient(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Removes an Ingredient from the MealPlan object.
removeIngredient(Ingredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Removes an Ingredient from being part of a Recipe
removeRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Removes a Recipe from the MealPlan object.
RequiredDateTextInputLayout - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The RequiredDateTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout class such that it can show a MaterialDatePicker to allow the user to input dates.
RequiredDateTextInputLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDateTextInputLayout object
RequiredDateTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDateTextInputLayout object
RequiredDateTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDateTextInputLayout object
RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout class to provide methods for compatibility with Dropdowns.
RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout object
RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout object
RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout object
RequiredNumberTextInputLayout - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The RequiredNumberTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout class with methods for performing number data validation.
RequiredNumberTextInputLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredNumberTextInputLayout object
RequiredNumberTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredNumberTextInputLayout object
RequiredNumberTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredNumberTextInputLayout object
RequiredTextInputLayout - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The RequiredTextInputLayout class extends the TextInputLayout class with methods for performing data validation.
RequiredTextInputLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object
RequiredTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object
RequiredTextInputLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object


scaleRecipe(Recipe, Long) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
The scaleRecipe method for the MealPlanController.
scaleUnit(double, Unit) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
the scaleUnit method scales a unit to a specified unit
search(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
SearchInput - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The RequiredTextInputLayout class extends the TextInputLayout class with methods for performing data validation.
SearchInput(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object
SearchInput(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object
SearchInput(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
Constructs a RequiredTextInputLayout object
SearchInput.OnTextChange - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The OnTextChange interface defines the onTextChange handler for the RequiredTextInputLayout class.
SearchItemContract<Item extends java.io.Serializable> - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The EditItemContract class is a contract that handles the communication between the EditItemActivity and the EditItemAdapter.
SearchItemContract() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchItemContract
servings - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
setAdapter(EditItemAdapter<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
setAdapter sets the adapter for the recycler view
setAdapter(ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
Sets adapter to the given adapter.
setAmount(Double) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Sets the amount of an ingredient
setBestBefore(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Sets the best before date of the ingredient in the storage.
setCardStyle(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
Set card style method sets the card style for filled and outlined variants
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Sets the category (aka tag) of an Ingredient object.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the category of a MealPlan object.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Adds a category (aka tag) to a Recipe
setChanged(Boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
setChanged - sets whether the items have changed
setComments(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the comments associated with a Recipe
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Sets whether a ShoppingCartIngredient has its fields completed.
setDate(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Updates the text with the formatted representation of the date.
setDateCircle(Date, Boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanViewHolder
setDateCircle method sets the date circle
setDeleteListener(EditItemAdapter.OnDeleteListener<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
setDeleteListener - sets the listener for deleting an item
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Sets the description (aka title) of an Ingredient
setEatDate(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the eat date that a MealPlan is to be eaten on
setEditListener(EditItemAdapter.OnEditListener<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
setEditListener - sets the listener for editing an item
setError(CharSequence) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Fixes setError to reset layout spacing properly
setId(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Sets the database ID of an ingredient.
setId(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the id of a MealPlan
setId(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the id of a Recipe
setIngredients(ArrayList<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the entire ArrayList of Ingredients in the MealPlan object.
setItems(List<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditItemAdapter
setItems - sets the items
setItems(List<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ItemAdapter
setListener(OnItemClickListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter
Sets the on-click listener for the RecyclerView
setListener(SortingFragment.OnSortClick) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment
setListener sets the onSortClick listener for the fragment
setListener(RecipeBookSelectFragment.OnSelectedListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeBookSelectFragment
Sets the recipe selected listener
setLocation(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Sets the location of the ingredient in the storage.
setOnAdapterChangedListener(MealPlanController.OnAdapterDataChangedListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
setOnAdapterDataChangedListener sets the OnAdapterDataChangedListener listener.
setOnCheckedChangeListener(ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.OnCheckedListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
setOnDataChanged(MealPlanController.OnDataChanged) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
setOnDataChanged sets the OnDataChanged listener.
setOnDataChangedListener(DBAdapter.OnDataChangedListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
setsOnDataChangedListener - sets the listener for data changes
setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter
setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanAdapter
Sets the listener for an item click in the Recyclerview
setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
setOnItemClickListener method for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener<Item>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanItemAdapter
Sets the listener for an item click in the Recyclerview
setOnTextChange(SearchInput.OnTextChange) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SearchInput
setOnTextChange sets the onTextChange handler to the given handler
setOptions(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment
setOptions sets the list of sorting options
setPhotograph(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the photograph associated with a Recipe.
setPickedUp(boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Sets whether a ShoppingCartIngredient has been picked up.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Setter for placeholder
setPlaceholderDate(Date) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDateTextInputLayout
Updates the placeholder text with the formatted representation of the date.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Set the placeholder text of the MaterialAutoCompleteTextView
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Set the placeholder text of the EditText
setPrepTimeMinutes(Long) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the prep time in minutes that it takes a Recipe to be prepared
setQuery(Query) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
setQuery - sets the query and registers the listener
setRecipeLauncher(RecipeAdapter.RecipeLauncher) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter
Sets the RecipeLauncher for the recipe adapter
setRecipes(ArrayList<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the entire ArrayList of Recipes in the MealPlan object.
setRequireLong() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Validate data to require a long
setRequirePositiveNumber(Boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredNumberTextInputLayout
Validate data to require a positive number if requirePositiveNumber is true.
setServings(Long) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the number of servings in a MealPlan
setServings(Long) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the number of servings that a Recipe makes
setSimpleItems(String[]) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout
Set the dropdown items of the MaterialAutoCompleteTextView
setStorageId(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Sets the database ID of a storage ingredient.
setText(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.RequiredTextInputLayout
Sets the text of the EditText
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.EditRecyclerViewFragment
setTitle sets the title string for the fragment
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlan
Sets the title of a MealPlan object.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.Recipe
Sets the title of a Recipe
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.Ingredient
Sets the unit of an amount
ShoppingCartController - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
ShoppingCartIngredientController is a class that contains methods for interacting with the shopping cart
ShoppingCartController(Activity) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
The constructor for the controller.
ShoppingCartDB - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
This class is the database for the shopping cart list
ShoppingCartDB(DBConnection) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Constructor for the ShoppingCartDB.
ShoppingCartDB.OnPickedUpChange - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
onPickedUpChange is an interface for the updateIngredient method.
ShoppingCartFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
ShoppingCartFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartFragment
ShoppingCartIngredient - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
This class represents a ShoppingCartIngredient, which are Ingredients that can be added to a ShoppingCart.
ShoppingCartIngredient(Ingredient) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Create a ShoppingCartIngredient using an Ingredient.
ShoppingCartIngredient(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredient
Creates a ShoppingCartIngredient which represents an Ingredient which can be added to a ShoppingCart.
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
This class is the adapter for the ingredients in the shopping cart list
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter(ShoppingCartDB) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter
Constructor for the adapter
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.OnCheckedListener - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
onCheckedListener interface for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart
ViewHolder class for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
show() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.ConfirmDialog
Shows the dialog
smallestMetricUnit - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.CountUnit
The smallest unit for count
smallestMetricUnit - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.MassUnit
The smallest unit for metric mass
smallestMetricUnit - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.VolumeUnit
The smallest unit for metric volume
snapshotToIngredient(DocumentSnapshot) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Converts a DocumentSnapshot of an ingredient to an Ingredient object
snapshotToShoppingCartIngredient(DocumentSnapshot) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
snapshot to shopping cart ingredient converter
sort(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeController
Gets the sorted query of recipes.
sortByField(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
sortByField sorts the shopping cart by the given field.
SortingFragment - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
The SortingFragment class is a fragment that displays a list of sorting options for the user to select from.
SortingFragment() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.SortingFragment
SortingFragment.OnSortClick - Interface in com.xffffff.wellfed.common
OnSortClick is the interface for the onSortClick listener
startListening() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
startListening - starts listening to the query
startListening(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
startListening starts listening for changes in the database for the specified meal plan.
stopListening() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.common.DBAdapter
stopListening - stops listening to the query
stopListening() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
stopListening stops listening for changes in the database.
StorageIngredient - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
An Ingredient represented in a user's storage, with added amount, unit, location, and best before.
StorageIngredient(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Creates a new StorageIngredient object without data.
StorageIngredient(String, Double, String, String, Date) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Creates a new StorageIngredient object that represents an Ingredient used for various meal purposes.
StorageIngredient(String, Double, String, String, Date, String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredient
Creates a new StorageIngredient object that represents an Ingredient used for various meal purposes.
StorageIngredientActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
Represents an Ingredient's information page.
StorageIngredientActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientActivity
StorageIngredientAdapter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The adapter class for the storage ingredient list.
StorageIngredientAdapter(StorageIngredientDB) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter
The constructor for the adapter.
StorageIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The view holder class for the storage ingredient list.
StorageIngredientDB - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The StorageIngredientDB class is a database for the storage ingredients.
StorageIngredientDB(DBConnection) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Creates a reference to the Firebase DB.
StorageIngredientEditActivity - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.storage
The activity that represents editing an Ingredient.
StorageIngredientEditActivity() - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientEditActivity
subtext - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
systems - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The unit systems that the unit is in


title - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter.ViewHolder


Unit - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
Unit is an abstract class that contains the conversion factor and unit
Unit(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.Unit
The constructor for the Unit class that initializes the unit
UNIT_SYSTEMS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.CountUnit
The unit systems that the count units are in
UNIT_SYSTEMS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.MassUnit
The unit systems that the mass units are in
UNIT_SYSTEMS - Static variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.VolumeUnit
UnitConverter - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
UnitConverter is a class that converts units to other units It is used to convert units in the Ingredients and Recipe ingredients
UnitConverter(Context) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The UnitConverter constructor initializes the ingredientDensityMap and units ArrayList
units - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.UnitConverter
The units ArrayList is an ArrayList of all the units that are supported by the app
updateCheckedStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartController
updateImageView(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
Update image view with image
updateImageView(String) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Update image view with image
updateIngredient(ShoppingCartIngredient, OnCompleteListener<ShoppingCartIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Update an ingredient in the shopping cart.
updateIngredient(StorageIngredient) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.IngredientStorageController
Update StorageIngredient in adapter
updateIngredient(String, boolean, ShoppingCartDB.OnPickedUpChange) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartDB
Update an ingredient in the shopping cart.
updateMealPlan(MealPlan) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanController
The updateMealPlan method for the MealPlanController.
updateMealPlan(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Updates the MealPlan object in the DB
updateMealPlanDecrementCounter(MealPlan, MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
updateMealPlanDecrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that decrements counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan is a helper method for updateMealPlan.
updateMealPlanHelper(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
Given the MealPlan object, updates it in the db.
updateMealPlanIncrementCounter(MealPlan, MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
updateMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that increments the counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes(MealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan>, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, ArrayList<DocumentReference>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanDB
updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that updates the recipes in the MealPlan object.
updateRecipe(Recipe, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Updates the Recipe object in the DB
updateRecipeDecrementCounter(Recipe, Recipe, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Helper method that decrements counter for each ingredient in the old Recipe.
updateRecipeFindOldRecipe(Recipe, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
A helper method for updateRecipe() that finds the old recipe in the db.
updateRecipeHelper(Recipe, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Given the Recipe object, updates it in the db.
updateRecipeIncrementCounter(Recipe, Recipe, ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Helper method that increments counter for each ingredient in the updated Recipe.
updateReferenceCount(Ingredient, int, OnCompleteListener<Ingredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDB
Updates the reference count of an ingredient in the Firebase DB.
updateReferenceCount(Recipe, int, OnCompleteListener<Recipe>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeDB
Updates the counter for a Recipe object in the db.
updateStorageIngredient(StorageIngredient, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Updates a stored ingredient in the Firebase DB.
updateStorageIngredient(StorageIngredient, StorageIngredient, Ingredient, OnCompleteListener<StorageIngredient>) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientDB
Updates a stored ingredient in the Firebase DB.
updateUI() - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.mealplan.MealPlanActivity
updateUI method.
updateView(Recipe) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeActivity
updateView - updates the view with the recipe information
uploadImage(Bitmap) - Method in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeEditActivity
Uploads the image taken for a recipe to Firestore


view - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
view - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
ViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientDetailAdapter.ViewHolder
ViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.ingredient.IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder
Creates a ViewHolder for an ingredient
ViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.recipe.RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder
Creates a new ViewHolder
ViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
ViewHolder(View) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.storage.StorageIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder
The constructor for the view holder.
viewPager - Variable in class com.xffffff.wellfed.MainActivity
The viewpager that contains the fragments for the bottom navigation bar
VolumeUnit - Class in com.xffffff.wellfed.unit
VolumeUnit is an enum that contains all the volume units that are supported by the app
VolumeUnit(String) - Constructor for class com.xffffff.wellfed.unit.VolumeUnit
Constructor for the VolumeUnit class
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