Class IngredientStorageController

  • public class IngredientStorageController
    extends java.lang.Object
    The IngredientStorageController class is a controller for the IngredientStorageActivity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IngredientStorageController

        public IngredientStorageController​( activity)
        Creates ingredients list that represents an empty food storage.
        activity - the activity that is using this controller
    • Method Detail

      • getAdapter

        public StorageIngredientAdapter getAdapter()
        Gets the adapter that is used to display the ingredients in the list view.
        the adapter that is used to display the ingredients in the list view
      • deleteIngredient

        public void deleteIngredient​(StorageIngredient storageIngredient)
        Deletes StorageIngredient from adapter
        storageIngredient - the StorageIngredient object to delete
      • addIngredient

        public void addIngredient​(StorageIngredient storageIngredient)
        Adds an StorageIngredient to adapter
        storageIngredient - the StorageIngredient object to add
      • updateIngredient

        public void updateIngredient​(StorageIngredient storageIngredient)
        Update StorageIngredient in adapter
        storageIngredient - the StorageIngredient object to update
      • getSortedResults

        public void getSortedResults​(java.lang.String field)
        Gets the DB of ingredients sorted by field
        field - the field to sort by description | category | expiration
      • getSearchResults

        public void getSearchResults​(java.lang.String field)
        Get the search results from the DB
        field - the field to search by