All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary
Class |
Description |
ActivityBase |
ActivityBase is the base class for all activities in the application
ConfirmDeleteDialog |
The ConfirmDeleteDialog class provides a dialog for confirming whether the
user intends to delete an item.
ConfirmDialog |
The ConfirmDialog class provides a dialog for confirming user intentions.
ConfirmDialog.OnConfirmListener |
The OnQuitListener interface defines the onConfirm handler that is
called when the user confirms.
ConfirmQuitDialog |
The ConfirmQuitDialog class provides a dialog for confirming whether the
user intends to quit the an activity where they have unsaved changes.
CountUnit |
CountUnit is a class that contains all the count units that are supported by
the app
DateUtil |
The DateUtil class contains utility methods for dates.
DBAdapter<VH extends androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
The class DBAdapter is used to display documents from Firestore
Create dynamic lists with RecyclerView.
DBAdapter.OnDataChangedListener |
The listener for data changes
DBConnection |
Connects to the DB, getting the users unique FirestoreID to identify them.
DeleteButton |
The DeleteButton class attaches an OnClickListener to a Button that
opens a deletion confirmation dialog.
EditActivityBase |
EditActivityBase is the base class for all activities that edit data in the
EditIngredientAdapter |
Adapter for a recipe ingredient, in the recyclerview for recipe ingredients
EditIngredientsFragment |
The EditRecipeIngredientsFragment class is the fragment that allows the user
to edit the ingredients of a recipe.
EditItemAdapter<Item> |
Adapter that manages the view and data for the ingredients
in the Recipe
EditItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder |
Viewholder for the items
EditItemAdapter.OnDeleteListener<Item> |
onDeleteListener is the interface that handles the delete button
EditItemAdapter.OnEditListener<Item> |
onEditListener is the interface that handles the edit button
EditItemContract<Item extends> |
The EditItemContract class is a contract that handles the
communication between the EditItemActivity and the
EditRecipesAdapter |
EditRecipesAdapter is the adapter for the RecyclerView in the
EditRecipesFragment |
EditRecipesFragment class.
EditRecyclerViewFragment<Item extends> |
The EditRecyclerViewFragment class is a fragment that displays a
list of items that can be edited.
Ingredient |
This class represents an Ingredient which can be used in many ways in a
MealPlanning application.
IngredientContract |
A contract for creating intents to view an Ingredient, and results of
IngredientDB |
The IngredientDB class is used to store and retrieve ingredient data from
the database.
IngredientDetailAdapter |
ItemDetailAdapter is the adapter for the item detail recycler view
IngredientEditActivity |
Activity which allows user to edit/add an existing recipe's ingredient
IngredientEditContract |
A contract for creating intents to edit an Ingredient, and results of
these intents.
IngredientSearchActivity |
Activity which allows user to search for an existing ingredient
in the user's ingredient storage, or previously added recipe ingredients
to add to a recipe
IngredientSearchAdapter |
IngredientSearchAdapter.ViewHolder |
Holds the views for the ingredients in the search
IngredientStorageController |
The IngredientStorageController class is a controller for the
IngredientStorageFragment |
The IngredientStorageFragment class is a fragment that displays a list of
ingredients in the user's storage.
ItemAdapter<Item> |
The class ItemAdapter is used to display items in a RecyclerView
Launcher<Item> |
The Launcher class provides a method for launching an activity.
MainActivity |
MainActivity is the main activity of the app
It contains the bottom navigation bar and the floating action button
MassUnit |
MassUnit is a class that contains all the mass units that are supported by
the app
MealBookFragment |
The fragment for the meal book.
MealPlan |
This class represents a MealPlan, which contains recipes and ingredients
to be eaten on a
specific date.
MealPlanActivity |
MealPlanActivity class.
MealPlanAdapter |
The MealPlanAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanContract |
The MealPlanContract class is the contract for the MealPlanActivity.
MealPlanController |
The MealPlanController class controls the MealPlanActivity.
MealPlanController.OnAdapterDataChangedListener |
onAdapterDataChangedListener is the interface that is called when the
data in the adapter changes.
MealPlanController.OnDataChanged |
onDataChanged is the interface that is called when the data in the
controller changes.
MealPlanDB |
This class is used to access the meal plan database.
MealPlanEditActivity |
MealPlanEditActivity class.
MealPlanEditContract |
The MealPlanContract class is the contract for the meal plan activity.
MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter |
MealPlanIngredientItemAdapter is the adapter for the RecyclerView in the
MealPlanItemAdapter<Item> |
The MealPlanItemAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanItemAdapter.ItemViewHolder |
ItemViewHolder class holds the view for the item.
MealPlanLinearLayoutManager |
The linear layout manager for the meal book fragment.
MealPlanProxy |
ProxyMealPlan class.
MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter |
The MealPlanRecipeItemAdapter class binds ArrayList to RecyclerView.
MealPlanViewHolder |
The MealPlanViewHolder class contains the layout for each individual
item in the RecyclerView.
NavigationCollectionAdapter |
NavigationCollectionAdapter is the adapter for the navigation collection
that handles the fragments for each tab in the bottom navigation bar
OnCompleteListener<T> |
This interface is used to handle the result of DB operation
OnItemClickListener<Item> |
OnItemClickListener interface.
Recipe |
Represents a Recipe, which contains ingredients and instructions on how to
a recipe.
RecipeActivity |
Activity that displays the view for Recipe, showing all of a Recipe's
RecipeAdapter |
Adapter for the recipes in the RecipeBookFragment
Binds the view for each recipe to the data
RecipeAdapter.RecipeLauncher |
Interface for launching a new recipe activity.
RecipeAdapter.ViewHolder |
Holds the views for the recipes
RecipeBookFragment |
RecipeBookFragment displays a list of Recipes Recipe
RecipeBookSelectFragment |
RecipeBookSelectFragment is a version of RecipeBookFragment that allows
the user to select a recipe
RecipeBookSelectFragment.OnSelectedListener |
Interface for recipe selected listener
RecipeContract |
Contract for launching new activities that return a Recipe
RecipeController |
Handles the business logic for the Recipes
RecipeDB |
RecipeDB is a class that handles all the database operations for Recipe
RecipeEditActivity |
Activity which allows user to edit an existing recipe
RecipeEditContract |
Contract for launching a RecipeEditActivity
RecipeSearchActivity |
Activity which allows user to search for an existing Recipe
RequiredDateTextInputLayout |
The RequiredDateTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout
class such that it can show a MaterialDatePicker to allow the user to
input dates.
RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout |
The RequiredDropdownTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout
class to provide methods for compatibility with Dropdowns.
RequiredNumberTextInputLayout |
The RequiredNumberTextInputLayout class extends the RequiredTextInputLayout
class with methods for performing number data validation.
RequiredTextInputLayout |
The RequiredTextInputLayout class extends the TextInputLayout
class with methods for performing data validation.
SearchInput |
The RequiredTextInputLayout class extends the TextInputLayout
class with methods for performing data validation.
SearchInput.OnTextChange |
The OnTextChange interface defines the onTextChange handler
for the RequiredTextInputLayout class.
SearchItemContract<Item extends> |
The EditItemContract class is a contract that handles the
communication between the EditItemActivity and the
ShoppingCartController |
ShoppingCartIngredientController is a class that contains methods for
interacting with the shopping cart
ShoppingCartDB |
This class is the database for the shopping cart list
ShoppingCartDB.OnPickedUpChange |
onPickedUpChange is an interface for the updateIngredient method.
ShoppingCartFragment |
ShoppingCartIngredient |
This class represents a ShoppingCartIngredient, which are Ingredients that
can be added to a
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter |
This class is the adapter for the ingredients in the shopping cart list
ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.OnCheckedListener |
onCheckedListener interface for the ShoppingCartIngredientAdapter.
SortingFragment |
The SortingFragment class is a fragment that displays a list of
sorting options for the user to select from.
SortingFragment.OnSortClick |
OnSortClick is the interface for the onSortClick listener
StorageIngredient |
An Ingredient represented in a user's storage, with added amount, unit,
location, and best before.
StorageIngredientActivity |
Represents an Ingredient's information page.
StorageIngredientAdapter |
The adapter class for the storage ingredient list.
StorageIngredientAdapter.ViewHolder |
The view holder class for the storage ingredient list.
StorageIngredientDB |
The StorageIngredientDB class is a database for the storage ingredients.
StorageIngredientEditActivity |
The activity that represents editing an Ingredient.
Unit |
Unit is an abstract class that contains the conversion factor and unit
UnitConverter |
UnitConverter is a class that converts units to other units
It is used to convert units in the Ingredients and Recipe ingredients
VolumeUnit |
VolumeUnit is an enum that contains all the volume units
that are supported by the app