Class MealPlanDB

  • public class MealPlanDB
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is used to access the meal plan database. It contains methods to add, remove, and update meal plans. It also contains methods to add, remove, and update recipes in meal plans.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      MealPlanDB​(DBConnection connection)
      Constructor for class MealPlanDB, initializes declared fields.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      This method is used to add a MealPlan object to the db.
      void addMealPlanHelper​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> mealPlanMap, MealPlan mealPlan, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Helper function that adds the MealPlan document to db once all transactions are finished.
      void addMealPlanIncrementCounter​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> mealPlanMap, MealPlan mealPlan, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      addMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for addMealPlan that increment counter for each recipe and ingredient in the MealPlan object.
      void delMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Deletes the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
      void delMealPlanDecrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan, mealPlanRef, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      delMealPlanDecrementCounter is an asynchronous helper function for delMealPlan that decrements the counter of the ingredients and recipes in the MealPlan.
      void delMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan, mealPlanRef, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      delMealPlanHelper is a helper function for delMealPlanAsync.
      void getMealPlan​( snapshot, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
      void getMealPlan​(java.lang.String id, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db. getMealPlanDocumentReference​(java.lang.String id)
      Fet the DocumentReference object for the MealPlan document with the given id.
      void getMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan, java.util.ArrayList<Ingredient> ingredients, java.util.ArrayList<Recipe> recipes, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Helper function for getMealPlan.
      MealPlanProxy getMealPlanProxy​( snapshot)
      Gets the MealPlan proxy object with the given snapshot from the db.
      void getMealPlans​(OnCompleteListener<java.util.ArrayList<MealPlan>> listener)
      Get all MealPlan objects from the db. getQuery()
      Gets a query for MealPlans in the db.
      void updateMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
      Updates the MealPlan object in the DB
      void updateMealPlanDecrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan, MealPlan foundMealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
      updateMealPlanDecrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that decrements counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
      void updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
      updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan is a helper method for updateMealPlan.
      void updateMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
      Given the MealPlan object, updates it in the db.
      void updateMealPlanIncrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan, MealPlan foundMealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
      updateMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that increments the counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
      void updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes​(MealPlan mealPlan, OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener, java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients, java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
      updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that updates the recipes in the MealPlan object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • MealPlanDB

        public MealPlanDB​(DBConnection connection)
        Constructor for class MealPlanDB, initializes declared fields.
        connection - the DBConnection object used to access the db.
    • Method Detail

      • addMealPlan

        public void addMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        This method is used to add a MealPlan object to the db.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be added to the db.
        listener - the OnAddMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • addMealPlanIncrementCounter

        public void addMealPlanIncrementCounter​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> mealPlanMap,
                                                MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                                java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes,
                                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        addMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for addMealPlan that increment counter for each recipe and ingredient in the MealPlan object.
        mealPlanMap - the HashMap to be used to map the MealPlan object.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be added to the db.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps to be used to map
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences to be used to
        listener - the OnAddMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • addMealPlanHelper

        public void addMealPlanHelper​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> mealPlanMap,
                                      MealPlan mealPlan,
                                      java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                      java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes,
                                      OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Helper function that adds the MealPlan document to db once all transactions are finished.
        mealPlanMap - the mapping of the MealPlan object.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be added to the db.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps that stores the ingredients in the MealPlan object.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences that stores the recipes in the MealPlan object.
        listener - the OnAddMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • getMealPlan

        public void getMealPlan​(java.lang.String id,
                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
        id - the id of the MealPlan object to be retrieved.
        listener - the OnGetMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • getMealPlanProxy

        public MealPlanProxy getMealPlanProxy​( snapshot)
        Gets the MealPlan proxy object with the given snapshot from the db.
        snapshot - the snapshot of the MealPlan proxy object to be retrieved.
        the MealPlan proxy object with the given snapshot.
      • getMealPlan

        public void getMealPlan​( snapshot,
                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Gets the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
        snapshot - the snapshot of the MealPlan object to be retrieved.
        listener - the OnGetMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • getMealPlanHelper

        public void getMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                      java.util.ArrayList<Ingredient> ingredients,
                                      java.util.ArrayList<Recipe> recipes,
                                      OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Helper function for getMealPlan.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be returned.
        ingredients - the ArrayList of ingredients to be added to the MealPlan object.
        recipes - the ArrayList of recipes to be added to the MealPlan object.
        listener - the OnGetMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • delMealPlan

        public void delMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Deletes the MealPlan object with the given id from the db.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be deleted.
        listener - the OnDeleteMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • delMealPlanDecrementCounter

        public void delMealPlanDecrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        delMealPlanDecrementCounter is an asynchronous helper function for delMealPlan that decrements the counter of the ingredients and recipes in the MealPlan.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be deleted.
        mealPlanRef - the DocumentReference of the MealPlan object to be
        listener - the OnDeleteMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • delMealPlanHelper

        public void delMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                      OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        delMealPlanHelper is a helper function for delMealPlanAsync.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be deleted.
        mealPlanRef - the DocumentReference of the MealPlan object to be deleted.
        listener - the OnDeleteMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • getMealPlans

        public void getMealPlans​(OnCompleteListener<java.util.ArrayList<MealPlan>> listener)
        Get all MealPlan objects from the db.
        listener - the OnGetMealPlansListener object to handle the result.
      • updateMealPlan

        public void updateMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                   OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener)
        Updates the MealPlan object in the DB
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
      • updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan

        public void updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                  OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener,
                                                  java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                                  java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
        updateMealPlanFindOldMealPlan is a helper method for updateMealPlan.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps of ingredients.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences of recipes.
      • updateMealPlanIncrementCounter

        public void updateMealPlanIncrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                   MealPlan foundMealPlan,
                                                   OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener,
                                                   java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                                   java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
        updateMealPlanIncrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that increments the counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        foundMealPlan - the MealPlan object found in the db.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps of ingredients.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences of recipes.
      • updateMealPlanDecrementCounter

        public void updateMealPlanDecrementCounter​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                   MealPlan foundMealPlan,
                                                   OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener,
                                                   java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                                   java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
        updateMealPlanDecrementCounter is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that decrements counter for recipes and ingredients in the MealPlan object.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        foundMealPlan - the MealPlan object found in the db.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps of ingredients.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences of recipes.
      • updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes

        public void updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                                OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener,
                                                java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                                java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
        updateMealPlanUpdateRecipes is a helper method for updateMealPlanAsync that updates the recipes in the MealPlan object.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of HashMaps of ingredients.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of DocumentReferences of recipes.
      • updateMealPlanHelper

        public void updateMealPlanHelper​(MealPlan mealPlan,
                                         OnCompleteListener<MealPlan> listener,
                                         java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object>> mealPlanIngredients,
                                         java.util.ArrayList<> mealPlanRecipes)
        Given the MealPlan object, updates it in the db.
        mealPlan - the MealPlan object to be updated.
        listener - the OnUpdateMealPlanListener object to handle the result.
        mealPlanIngredients - the ArrayList of Ingredient objects to be updated.
        mealPlanRecipes - the ArrayList of Recipe objects to be updated.
      • getMealPlanDocumentReference

        public getMealPlanDocumentReference​(java.lang.String id)
        Fet the DocumentReference object for the MealPlan document with the given id.
        id - the id of the MealPlan document.
        the DocumentReference object for the MealPlan document.
      • getQuery

        public getQuery()
        Gets a query for MealPlans in the db.
        the query for MealPlans in the db.